Marjolein Burbank - Netherlands

Stay Home and Stitch

Stay Home and Stitch
Marjolein Burbank - Netherlands


Panel ref

During the COVID pandemic, I stayed at home in Copenhagen a lot more than usual. I didn’t want to catch Covid, but more importantly, I didn’t want to infect anybody else. What I mostly do now, is stitching new work every day, and post this on Instagram. Love this medium now! You meet such interesting people and share ideas like this project. Often, I stitch on found materials, this one was on an embroidery piece I found, used the reverse side to stitch my hands on using free motion stitching by machine. By hand-stitching I added some depth to the image.

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The Future of The Covid Chronicle:

The Covid Chronicle is available for sale / exhibition by arrangement. The proceeds from the sale of the entire work would be in aid of MIND.  Please get in contact for further details.
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