Alison Bailey Smith - UK


Alison Bailey Smith - UK

Merseyside, UK

Panel ref

In 2020 and 2021, my personal response to Covid was to retreat, to hibernate in my home and my garden. I was working on the Covid emergency help line for Wirral Council at the end of my contract with the culture team, my mother (with Alzheimer’s) caught Coronavirus at the same time. The knowledge that we may lose all of her, and not through the sad erosion of her memory resulted in mixed emotions. My welfare calls in my work took a toll on me and creative output became an important outlet. Thankfully my mother survived Covid but still living with dementia.  

This panel is made using printed textiles from artist’s images of Alliums in her garden, with a covid particle made from television wire and tomato puree tubes, stitched on vintage linen and edged with purple tie-dye from a cushion made in the 80s at school art club for mother, French knots, blanket stitch and lazy daisy stitch to illustrate forget-me-nots representing Alzheimers.

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The Future of The Covid Chronicle:

The Covid Chronicle is available for sale / exhibition by arrangement. The proceeds from the sale of the entire work would be in aid of MIND.  Please get in contact for further details.
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